Therapeutic Practice

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There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you. Psychotherapy offers a space to tell those stories and heal.
                                                                         Maya Angelou

Our Therapy Team

In any given moment we have two options: to step forward into growth or to step back into safety. We, at AMMA, are all about growth.

Our Practice

At AMMA, we deploy the therapeutic parenting model. This works to allow key members of staff to build relationships, that allow young people to experience attachments similar to that of the attachment between that of a child and the primary caregiver. ​Trauma-informed therapeutic parenting is not just a philosophy but a vital model for children who have experienced trauma. Here's why it's so important.

     1. Healing and Recovery: Trauma-informed therapeutic parenting creates an environment where children feel safe, supported, and understood, fostering their healing and recovery from past traumatic experiences.

    2. Building Resilience: By addressing the root causes of trauma and equipping children with essential life skills, this approach helps children build resilience, empowering them to overcome adversity and thrive in the future.

   3. Preventing Re-Traumatisation: Trauma-informed care minimises the risk of re-traumatisation, as caregivers are trained to be sensitive to a child's triggers and avoid exacerbating their trauma.

   4. Long-Term Well-being: The model sets children on a path towards better mental and emotional well-being, which can have positive, lasting effects throughout their lives.​

Each adult will have a different relationship with the young person and represent something different, this is important for the child to explore the world and understand how relationships are developed. By the team talking to each other and sharing their experiences of the child we are able to gain a holistic view of the child thus being able to develop a more accurate treatment plan.